
Showing posts from August, 2017

At What Price a Seat at the Table?

AT WHAT PRICE A SEAT AT THE TABLE? FACT 1: The overwhelming majority of the men and women in the biopharmaceutical industry, scientists and non-scientists alike, have been drawn to their profession by the noble mission of creating new medicines to address unmet human needs. They place human health and well-being—regardless of class, ethnicity, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, religion, country of national origin—as among the highest of goals to be sought, pursued, and supported by a democratic nation, a free market and society at large. FACT 2: A high proportion of the men and women in the biopharmaceutical industry, scientists, and non-scientists alike, are either immigrants themselves, or the children or grandchildren of immigrants. The United States leads the world in the discovery and development of important new medicines. This is due to, in no small measure, our country welcoming and providing opportunities to immigrants. FACT 3: The ability of the...