BIO and Topless Dancers: Where to Cast Our Ayes
BIO and Topless Dancers: Where
to Cast Our Ayes
NOTE: the main body of this piece was written in
July 2018 immediately following the incidents described herein that took place
in conjunction with the 2018 BIO Annual Meeting. The Epilogue has just been added (October 6,
The event of topless dancers at a party held in conjunction
with the recent BIO conference has occasioned quite a tizzy in the biotech
twitter-sphere. Recapping the narrative
- A party features topless women dancers bearing
the painted logos of companies that sponsored the event.
- Photos of the women circulate
- John Maraganore, CEO of Alnylam and, importantly
in this context, current Chair of BIO, tweets and is interviewed saying that
sponsorship of such behavior is unacceptable and inconsistent with the values
of the biotechnology industryo Given Maraganore’s role as Chair of BIO, this carries an implication that companies sponsoring (perhaps even condoning?) such events and behavior might be subject to expulsion from BIO.
- It rapidly emerges that, while held in conjunction with the BIO conference, and while attended almost exclusively by individuals who have some association with biotechnology, the event was not an “official” or “BIO-sponsored” event.
- It further emerges that the sponsors were not (or, at the least, claim not to have been) aware of what would take place at the party and condemn it.
- BIO instructs its President, Jim Greenwood, to give the sponsoring companies a good talking to, indicating “that we did not think that having topless dancer was appropriate” and encouraging those companies “to speak with event organizers to ensure that any further events feature more appropriate entertainment”
- Through a spokesperson, Ken Lisaius, BIO issues a public statement clarifying that Maraganore’s comments have been misconstrued by some as implying that any BIO member company that continues to sponsor such events will be kicked out of BIO and that such an inference would be “Not accurate”
- On STAT’s weekly wrap-up podcast, Damien Garde offers the following syllogism:
The event was not sponsored/authorized by BIO
The sponsoring companies were unaware of what
was to take place
The event, therefore, is nothing more than a
party like any other party
We live in a society which—for better or worse—features
topless bars and strip clubs and parties with lap dancers
Whatever we, according to the lights of our
personal morality, think of such venues, activities, and events, it is not
within our rights to prohibit those who like such things from engaging in such
activities or penalize them for their behavior
They enjoy first amendment rights
Different standards apply to public vs. private
QED: This has been much ado about nothing
Further proof: the folks at the party seemed to
be enjoying themselves…
So, it would seem there is nothing more to say on the
subject…or, perhaps, these topless dancers offer an occasion for a deeper set
of reflections on the nature and meaning of BIO.
An Association
- BIO is the world's largest trade association representing biotechnology companies (BIO Website)
- Association: from Mid-16th century English (in the sense of ‘uniting in a common purpose’): from Latin associare ‘to unite, ally”. (OED) --As in, a group that has come together as allies with a common purpose, in a common cause.
- ·He that walketh with the wise shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed (Proverbs 13:20)
BIO as we know it today came about through the merger, on
July 1, 1993, of the Industrial Biotechnology Association (IBA) and the
of Biotechnology Companies (ABC).
[Historically, IBA had been the home of the larger, more mature biotech
companies, with ABC the home of the smaller companies.]
In 1995, two executives from BIO member companies approached
the then-President of BIO, Carl Feldbaum, with the suggestion and request to
form a new standing committee of BIO, the BIO Bioethics Committee. The impetus for this was twofold:
- As the leaders of companies that were developing
powerful new biotechnologies, we had a deep obligation to ensure that the
technologies were developed and deployed in a socially responsible manner.
- Pragmatically, the single greatest potential obstacle to realizing the benefits of biotechnology was a mistrustful and fearful public (see, GMO’s in Europe).
Over the next several years, and continuing through today,
the BIO Bioethics Committee has developed and issued statements of Principles Regarding Biotech Social and Ethical
Responsibilities, on subjects ranging from informed consent, to genetic
privacy, to compassionate use, to human cloning, to the conduct of clinical
research in developing nations, etc.
Naturally enough, the question arose: what is the “force” of
these BIO-issued principles? Should they
have the status of (mere) guidance, as it were, a menu of recommended best
practices for member companies?
Alternatively, would a pledge to conformance with the principles be a
prerequisite for membership in the association;
would the principles constitute a Code of Conduct for BIO members such that
actions by a member company in violation of the principles would constitute grounds
for expulsion from the association?
This question was the subject of a spirited debate among the
members of the then-Executive Committee of BIO.
It was decided that, with one exception, the Principles would have the
status of guidance/recommendations for best practices, not an enforceable Code
of Conduct. (The one exception was that
membership in BIO required that member companies agree not to use biotechnology
to develop [offensive] bio-weapons.)
Hence, the leadership of BIO effectively decided that BIO
would be an association in what I
will call a thin sense. Any company could be a member if it shared
the common purpose of enabling the commercial/financial success of
biotechnology. It need not share a
deeper, core set of values.
The Case of Turing Pharmaceuticals
In September 2015, in the wake of the price gouging scandal
involving Turing Pharmaceuticals, and the antics of its CEO Martin Shkreli, BIO
issued the following announcement:
"The company
[Turing] and its leadership [Shkreli] do not reflect the commitment to
innovation and values [emphasis
added] that are at the core of BIO's
reputation and mission. For that reason, BIO determined, after a review of
Turing's membership status, that the company did not meet our eligibility
criteria, and we took action to rescind its membership."
How are we to understand the basis of the expulsion of
Turing from BIO? On its website, BIO says:
“The Principles…help
to set expectations [emphasis
added] regarding the social
responsibilities of our members and the broader biotechnology community, and to
encourage societally beneficial conduct.”
Whatever else they may be, a set of guidelines that “help(s)
to set expectations” does not constitute an explicit Code of Conduct the
violation of which constitutes (explicit) grounds for expulsion from a thick association. So, we must look further for
a principled ground for the rescission of Turing’s membership from the
Perhaps that basis exists in a further statement on BIO’s
website that addresses membership criteria:
“BIO expects that its
members will not engage in conduct that is detrimental to the purpose or
reputation of the organization.”
Here, beyond guidelines to help set expectations, we get an actual expectation of member companies: do not act in a way that
may redound negatively on BIO thereby impeding its ability to help further the
industry’s agenda in Washington.
Shkreli and Turing’s behavior certainly failed to meet this
expectation. As the CEO of a BIO member
company, I certainly don’t want my personal or my Company’s reputation sullied
in virtue of being in association
with Shkreli and Turing. –But I can
think of many other occasions on which the behavior of other BIO member
companies, and their CEO’s, has found me grinding my teeth. And, setting my own
sensibilities aside, I think that a debate between Len Schleifer and Ian Read,
both CEO’s of BIO member companies, would be unlikely to yield a consensus on
whether, in the absence of additional value/demonstrated benefits, increasing
prices annually beyond the rate of inflation constitutes “conduct detrimental
to the purpose or reputation of” BIO.
Now, of course, differences in degree or quantity can, at
some threshold, become differences in quality or kind. Just because there is twilight does not mean
that we cannot distinguish night from day.
And, perhaps that is the case with Shkreli and Turing versus the other
cases to which I allude.
in the absence of an explicit assertion that BIO’s principles constitute a Code
of Conduct to which members must adhere on penalty of expulsion from the
association, there is the risk of the association appearing, at best,
disingenuous. For example, given BIO’s
dues structure, under which a Fortune 500 biopharmaceutical company pays dues that are
> 50X those paid by a small company like Turing, would the same problematic
behavior by the large member company result in the same consequences as that
behavior by the small company? One would
hope the answer to be “Yes” but, reflecting on certain historical behaviors by
certain large member companies (e.g., conducting trials in developing nations
without obtaining informed consent, or obtaining a tax write-off for the
philanthropic contribution of medicines that had passed their expiration
dates), one would be hard pressed to believe that that “Yes” is assured.
Dancing Topless on
Thin Ice
Since November 2016, in several pieces on this blog, I have
drawn attention to what I claim to be the intrinsic connection between the
Enlightenment’s two crowning achievements: the invention of the scientific
method and the invention of the concept of human rights as accruing to persons
in virtue solely of their personhood, not as a matter of their color, religion,
ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, power, etc.
To capture that intrinsic connection in a single sentence, I have
suggested that the exclusion of any voice from participation in rational,
fact-based discourse (including scientific discourse) on any basis other than
that person’s inability or refusal to engage in the discourse according to its
foundational precepts is the moral equivalent of excluding data because it
contravenes conventional wisdom and/or the prevailing dogma of the politically
powerful class (see, for example, Galileo and the 17th Century
Insofar as the fundamental basis of biotechnology is the
scientific method, I have further argued that it follows from that intrinsic
connection that we, the leaders of the biotech industry, cannot claim a
commitment to the scientific method without being equally committed to fighting
against actions and practices that are exclusionary. Further, to the extent that we believe that
more voices participating in the (scientific) dialogue are more likely to
result in a deepened understanding of the natural world, it is in our interest
to move beyond opposition to social exclusion to advocacy for inclusion.
It is to this line of thinking—for me, an articulation of
where I find our industry’s fundamental values, commitments, and purpose, and,
equally, the basis of our industry’s reputation—that I turn when contemplating the
topless dancers. How can a person (more than likely a male) or company claiming
a commitment to the scientific method actively participate in, or even condone,
activities that serve to perpetuate a perspective that assigns to women a
lesser status—hence, less right to be taken seriously as equal and full
participants in the dialogue—via their objectification?
Now the response to this line of thinking, echoing the STAT response
cited in the opening to this piece, is likely to be, “Hey, this is an
over-the-top reaction. The men and women
attending, and who stayed at the party, did so as individuals, as it were
wearing their party, not biotechnology, hats.”
—But perhaps an "over-the-top" response is exactly what is called for when confronted with a topless situation.
Consider the following: you are a woman researcher. You go to the party not knowing what you will
find there. You are at the party only because
you are in biotech and it is being held down the street from and in connection
with BIO’s annual meeting which you have been attending all day. You are
accompanied by male colleagues. You get
there to discover the topless dancers.
Your male colleagues break into smiles and laughter. You are uncomfortable with the display but
even more so with your male colleagues’ reactions. You want to leave; however, you don’t want
your male colleagues to view you as a prude; you don’t want to be excluded from
future social interactions with your male colleagues, interactions which will help
to cement the human bonds that enable you to be viewed as a peer and worthy
collaborator in your research. So, you
stay. You even smile at your male
colleagues’ off-color remarks and ogling.
For all appearances, at least by the lights of STAT, you are
therefore attending that party in your capacity as a private individual, not as
a biotechnology professional; you are exercising your first amendment rights;
you are choosing to stay, hence you are not being coerced; and, you are smiling
with your male colleagues, hence you must be having a good time.
I will assert without argument that this “analysis”
of the party counts as an insightful narrative of the evening only if your
frame of reference is patriarchal Victorian England, or, perhaps, the mythical
account of a time in 1950’s America when women were truly respected.
I only ask you to consider what that woman scientist is
likely to be thinking when, the next day, at the weekly research group meeting,
as is routine, her male colleagues speak over her when she tries to voice her
opinion about the data being presented.
Is it likely to be, “Oh well, last night was just a party, and, let’s
face it, boys will be boys. Here at
work, they still view me as an equal participant in our professional,
scientific interactions.”
Taking a Stand
As noted earlier, the following two statements feature on
BIO’s website:
- “The Principles…help to set expectations [emphasis added] regarding the social responsibilities of our members and the broader biotechnology community, and to encourage societally beneficial conduct.”
- “BIO expects that its members will not engage in conduct that is detrimental to the purpose or reputation of the organization.”
These statements are to be found in a section of the website
entitled, “BIO’s Membership Compact” (emphasis added).
Interestingly, the concept of a Social Compact also originates in the
Enlightenment, as articulated by thinkers such as Locke and Rousseau. The Compact
is the means by which an organized society or association is
brought into being and invested with the right to pursue the shared goals and
purpose of its members. A Social Compact
creates a form of what, earlier in this essay, I termed a thick association. You cannot become a member of a thick association
without agreeing to the terms of compact, and your continued membership
requires support for and behavior in accordance with the terms of the Compact. The
Compact articulates a Code of Conduct.
—Words have meanings and the word “Compact” brings with it obligations that transcend a thin association entered into for expedient advantage and abandoned when its bonds no longer suit the moment.
—Words have meanings and the word “Compact” brings with it obligations that transcend a thin association entered into for expedient advantage and abandoned when its bonds no longer suit the moment.
Fundamental to the purpose and goals of the member companies
of BIO, hence BIO, is the preservation and furtherance of free and open
discourse conducted in accordance with the tenets of the scientific method
(=rational, fact- and evidence-based discourse). If there is anything to my
belief that there is an intrinsic connection between scientific/rational
discourse and human rights and the imperative for social inclusion (hence, an
intrinsic connection between anti-scientism and social exclusion), it cannot
but be the case that BIO’s binding Compact requires of its member companies the
corresponding commitment to behavior that, at the least, abjures violations of
human rights and social exclusion, and, more strongly, promotes equal rights
and social inclusion.
I for one would like to see BIO become a thick Association in which our Principles
constitute a Code of Conduct. BIO's response to the event is to be commended; yet, BIO’s official response to the Topless Dancers,
re: that it is not the case that a member company that continues to sponsor
such events will be kicked out of BIO, demonstrates that BIO is not, or not
yet, ready to go there.
But hope springs eternal. And, in John Maraganore’s reaction
to the Topless Dancers, re: that sponsorship of such behavior is unacceptable
and inconsistent with the values of the biotechnology industry, coupled with
John’s role as the new chair and leader of BIO, I find reason to hope…hope that
our association has found new leadership that will lead member companies to
demand of themselves and their fellow members behavior worthy of our noble
mission, our fundamental values, and our dedicated, diverse employees.
—July 2018
On October 2, 2018, BIO officially announced a strong
commitment to Workforce Development, Diversity & Inclusion (WDDI). Importantly, for the first time since BIO’s
decision in the mid-1990’s to find in the development of bio-weapons a
categorical basis for exclusion from/rescission of membership, BIO stated:
As a result of this commitment,
we stand ready to condemn those actions, activities, or events that are
clearly inconsistent with the values BIO actively is promoting through the work of BIO’s WDDI Committee
and our general membership principles
and policies. BIO has established
processes for membership review under such circumstances. (Emphasis added.)
a week in which our nation has been riven by the Kavanaugh nomination, I find
reason to hold my head high as the member of an industry—as a member of a thick
association—that stands for the best that the Enlightenment bequeathed to us.
And, on
a personal note, I thank John Maraganore for his leadership. It is with pride that I have the privilege and
good fortune to call him a colleague and, even more so, a friend.
—October 6, 2018
It will be interesting to see what (if any) "strong commitment" will come from BIO...
ReplyDeleteBIO began WDDI back in summer 2017 ( after some of those initial issues -- you never saw the word "diversity" on their site prior to any of this -- and now the "initiatives" are two pain "hopes" rather than actual plans:
It truly remains to be seen if there will be SEVERAL, true actions/plans come from BIO or if they are putting up words to seem that way (i.e., stay "thin").
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